Entries by Cassandra

Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fats

There’s a lot of talk about healthy fats these days. People are including more fat in their diets and forgetting about the fat-free diet crazes of the past. You’ve probably heard about omega fats in the mix, but what exactly are they? What are Omega Fats? Do they all perform the same function in our […]

Creating A Mindset of Health

So much of health is all about habits and actions, but where do these all stem from? What if we don’t have to make as many changes as we think we do? What if there was one powerful thing that makes a lot of difference? That thing is mindset. Mindset is sometimes called “the story […]

My Words for 2018

It’s 2018! Did you set resolutions, goals or intentions for the year? In the past, I set resolutions and goals for the year. My favorite, which was a goal I made almost every year,  I will go to the gym three times a week. Like many people I would go 3-4 times a week for […]

Where are the feathers?

I am very excited because for the last 9 months I was part of an amazing writing project through Heal My Voice, which was founded and lead by Andrea Hylan.  Today is the release of  the book which I was one of the authors –  Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World. […]

When I need an extra dose of comfort

Over the last month or so there have been a number of natural disasters –  Forest Fires in California, Flooding in  South Asia, Hurricane Harvey in Houston,  a number of Earthquakes in Mexico, Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean and Florida, and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Lives have been lost and people’s homes and livelihood […]