Pomegranate Love Smoothie


  • 1 cup of organic (not from concentrate) Pomegranate Juice
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of organic spinach
  • 1 avocado (peeled and cored)
  • 1 TBS of chia seeds
  • 1 TBS of Maca powderr
  • 2 TBS of Goji Berries

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour in your favorite glass and enjoy.

This smoothie is in honor of February love month. The ingredients in this smoothie are beneficial for your heart health as well as your sexual mojo.

Pomegrant Juice

– Compounds found only in pomegranates called punicalagins are shown to benefit the heart and blood vessels. Punicalagins are the major component responsible for pomegranate’s antioxidant and health benefits.

Studies have shown Pomegranate juice may help improve sexual performance and fertility.


– contains lutein an antioxidant carotenoid which prevents or reduces atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Spinach also contains nitrate which lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. Leafy vegetables such as spinach contain vitamin E and iron, which helps produce more oestrogen the hormone that increases the sex drive in women. And it increases levels of testosterone in men.


– has a number of essential minerals, monounsaturated fats (the good kind that protect the heart and lower cholesterol), and vitamin B6—all of which help keep your energy and sex drive up.

They’re also a top source of omega 3 fatty acids, which naturally boost your mood, making you more likely to want to get you mojo on.

Chia Seeds

– are considered an energy tonic that moistens the yin (fluids) of the body enhancing joint activity and sexual health. They also are high in Omega 3


– is widely used to promote sexual function of both men and women. It serves as a boost to your libido and increases endurance. At the same time it balances your hormones and increases fertility.

Goji Berries

– “In Asia, goji berries are known as a strong sexual tonic. They increase testosterone levels, which stimulates libido in both men and women. Furthermore, they improve overall stamina, mood and wellbeing, all of which are vital for an optimum sex life”. (Natural News)

I would love to hear if your taste buds were dancing and your mojo was alive after drinking this smoothie.


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