My Essential Oil Blend for 2018 – Grounded and In the Flow

In my previous blog, My Words for 2018, I wrote about the four words I choose to represent my soul desires and how I want to be in 2018. The four words are Purposeful, Presence, Pleasure and Playful. I created the following essential oil blend to go allowing with my words. The essential oils blend has doTERRA Passion blend, Ylang-Ylang, Tangerine and Frankincense.  I named the blend  In The Flow. The oils in this blend represent the following:

doTERRA’s Passion Blend  has  Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Vanilla and Damiana. This blend ignites creativity, vigor and purpose. It helps us to see the possibilities on how our purpose can benefit the collective whole. doTERRA’s Passion will also help ignite feelings of excitement, passion, and joy.

Ylang Ylang – This sweet and tropical oil is known for its aphrodisiac qualities. It stimulates sexual energy and enhances relationships. It has the ability to reunite emotional and sensual aspects of the self, allowing us to experience pleasure and joy. It’s also thought to be the oil of the inner child, helping us connect to our own sense of inner joy and being in the moment. It brings back the child-like wonder of life and opens us up to playfulness

Tangerine –  The fresh, citrusy scent of tangerine uplifts our mood and replenishes our creative juices while bringing qualities of playfulness and cheer to our work. It can help to increase playfulness and happiness. It’s an oil which can get us out of our heads and help us live more spontaneously with light-hardheartedness.Tangerine also nourishes the sacral chakra which is all about pleasure and playfulness.

Frankincense – . This is considered the king of oils and is my favorite oil. Hence why I was drawn to add this to the blend. Frankincense has many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. This is a high vibrational oil, which is commonly used in meditation and prayer. Frankincense lifts the spirit and focuses the mind, allowing us to find perspective and move into consciousness. In helps ground us and reminds us of our connection to Spirit and to others. Keeping us present.

The roller bottle recipe for In the Flow is

  • 10 drops of doTERRA’s Passion Blend
  • 7 drops of Ylang Ylang
  • 12 drops of Frankincense
  • 15 drops of Tangerine

Place all essential oils in a 10 ml roller bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil.

As you can see these oils are a wonderful combination to energize my 4 words for 2018. I also going to examine what crystals I can add to this blend that will support these words. Stay tuned!

What essential oils go along with your words for 2018?

Want to learn how to create your own special blend to go along with your words for 2018? Email me at


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