Letting Go

Sometimes, as Busy Professional Real-Life Superwomen we live in fear and it can be a good thing because it gives us the chance to stop, think and re-evaluate our lives and what is triggering the fear.

Unfortunately, many times we don’t allow ourselves to reflect on the fear and look at it as an opportunity for growth. Instead we let the fear take us over and keep us worried, stressed and stuck. I know there has been many times fear as stopped me. It has stopped me from sending letters or making calls to people, organizations or groups, where I could share my passion for doing health and wellness presentations and workshops, it has stopped me from asking for referrals for my business, it has stopped me from sharing my true desires with my husband and it has slowed me down from completing classes.

In 2012, I was gifted a training workshop to become a Bellyfit instructor. I took the training, but did not complete the practicum portion for fear people would judge me. See the practicum involved me teaching eight dance/aerobic classes. The thought of teaching these classes brought up a lot of  anxiety and fear because in the past I was told I didn’t have any rhythm or coordination. How could I effectively teach a class with a fusion of Bellydance, African Dance and Bollywood if I had no rhythm? I was afraid people would judge me or even worse laugh at me. I truly had some root (fear), solar plexus (difficulty letting go) and heart chakra (judgment) imbalances going on.

Finally, this year I decided to retake the Bellyfit training and to teach the 8 classes. Why? Because 2016 was my year of completion and I have done a lot of work around embracing my fear and not letting it control me.

You might be asking how did I let the fear go.

FIRST – I looked fear straight in the eye, had a conversation with what was holding me back (vulnerability) and let it go. Now this wasn’t done overnight. It was a process of several months, examining what no longer served me and letting it go to make room for what I truly desired in my life.

SECOND – I set up a plan so I wouldn’t look too foolish doing the class. This involved practice, practice and more practice. As well as inviting friends who loved and supported me to the initial classes.

THE RESULT, as I write this blog I have completed all 8 classes and this past weekend did the final tapping to be submitted for review.

If you are a Real-Life Superwoman are fears keeping you from living your fullest potential yet like me you would never know it. Why? Because it would make us look like we didn’t have it all together and that four letter word would slip in. VULNERABILITY.

If you are like me and my clients below are some steps you can take to Let Go of Fear.

Ask Yourself The Following Questions.

  • What if I lived in the moment and wasn’t so worried about the future?
  • What if I let go of fear?
  • Where is this fear coming from? (childhood, past negative experience, limited mindset, etc)
  • Is this fear rational?
  • What would life look like if I let go of any doubt and trusted God and Source energy?
  • What if I choose love instead of fear?

Witnessing Your Fears.

If you aren’t aware of your fears, they will take over your life. The best way to let go is to be honest with yourself about what is upsetting you or making your scared.

Choose a new perspective.

Take action. This means get a journal and write down the story you are telling yourself about the fear and then re-write your story where you have let go of the fear and are doing what your heart desires.

You have the power to create a new story with a new ending.

What do you choose to surrender?

Find Gratitude for Your Fears.

Within everything, there is a reason to be grateful. Everything leads to a beautiful transformation – even if it isn’t apparent yet. Make a list of your top three fears. Next to each, note how this fear has transformed you. How it has lead to growth. Why you are grateful for it. Be grateful for every opportunity. Every moment.

Forgive Yourself.

Too often we are holding onto things in our life that do not serve us. I have found it helpful to forgive myself by journaling and then shredding the paper and saying, “I love you and I accept you.”

When you can forgive yourself, you will see you have more energy, less stress and more self- love.

What fears do you choose to let go of as you move into 2017?

8 replies
  1. Carmen Davailus Buck
    Carmen Davailus Buck says:

    Loved this! Risk taking is facing those fears in the big and the little things. I find the things that ‘challenge’ me the most are the ones I’m most proud of-mostly because I know what it took to actually do it. Thanks for a great post1

    • Cassandra
      Cassandra says:

      Carmen, I agree when I do what challenges me I do feel proud of myself and more courageous to take on additional challenges.

  2. Elizabeth Scala
    Elizabeth Scala says:

    Super happy to hear this, Cassandra! What a fun (and scary) experience. I am so glad that you faced fear in its face. I would say that another outcome is the enjoyment of the success and the fun you have in this new self-care modality! Gosh, you sure are an awesome woman!! Love following all of your wonderful success.

    • Puri SK
      Puri SK says:

      When I started doing what gives me joy and fun,I left unnecessary adjustments to people or situations around.. My passion,love and enthusiasm in life left no place for fear. This is what I experienced in life.

    • Cassandra
      Cassandra says:

      Awe, thank you Elizabeth. I thank you for reading and commenting on my posts. Much appreciation. Yes, the enjoyment of success is a great outcome when you face you fear and accomplish something.

  3. Nicole Vienneau
    Nicole Vienneau says:

    Thanks for sharing (and facing!) your vulnerability and congratulations on stepping outside of your comfort to excel! Cheers to more success along your path!


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